Applied Security Analysis Program

The Applied Security Analysis Program (ASAP) is an investment program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Business. It was founded in 1970 by Professor Stephen L. Hawk who served as the program’s faculty advisor from 1970 to 1983. In 1999, in honor of Professor Hawk’s founding of the program, alumni and friends endowed the Hawk Center for Applied Security Analysis. Beginning with $100,000 in 1970, students enrolled in the ASAP now manage over $43 million in equities, REITs, and fixed-income assets. Approximately 500 students have graduated from the ASAP. The program is supported by two Directors who combine academic theory with practical investment experience. The Center also assists with career advising and mentoring to help students find career opportunities that match their goals and interests.


The ASAP was founded in 1970 through a $100,000 grant from the Brittingham Foundation. The gift was used to create a student-managed equity fund in which students make all investment decisions. Through additional gifts and earnings, the equity portfolio has grown to approximately $2.0 million, which consists of a long-only and a long-short fund.

In 1998, the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents allocated $10 million of the UW System's Intermediate Term Fund to the ASAP students. The additional assets dramatically increased both the size and complexity of the fixed-income fund. The students now manage three fixed-income portfolios totaling approximately $40 million.

In 1999, the Stephen L. Hawk Center was endowed following a successful $3 million fund raising campaign. Also in 1999, the ASAP incorporated a $500,000 (now over $1 million) REIT portfolio in a cooperative venture with the Real Estate Department.

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